Without the required medical form, staff & campers
will not be able to attend camp!

Instructions: All Campers & Staff must download, print and bring to camp the Doctor’s Form, or provide a copy of a physical form completed by a doctor in the last 2 years. This could be a physical that was required for school or other recreational activities. This form must be complete by and signed by a physician. (pages 1) Parents/Guardians must complete and sign the Sunscreen Authorization Form for campers and staff under the age of 18 (page 2) Additionally, all campers & staff must provide a completed Colorado Certificate of Immunization (page 3)

Campers: Please download, sign and bring with you to camp the Camper & Parent Agreement.

Staff: Please download, sign and bring with you the Staff Agreement.

If you need the Immunization Exemption form, click below to download and complete:

Click the Button Below to Pay Your Camp Fees Online